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Birth Preparation 

Optimal Positioning for Mother & Baby 

In most pregnancies, babies will turn and present head down in preparation for birth. This usually happens before or around 36 weeks, however, some babies may move and change their presentations frequently and other babies do not engage until labour has begun.


Occasionally, restrictions or tensions in the body may hinder a baby from turning head down. A baby who isn’t head down is known as breech, where their bottom or feet present first. 


However, breech or back to back presentations are all variations of normal and you can still birth a baby vaginally in these positions if you choose to.

Osteopathy can help prepare your body for birth, by using safe and gentle hands-on techniques throughout your pregnancy. My focus is to balance and release areas of tension in the muscles, ligaments, fascia and connective tissues so that the pelvis can move optimally through-out pregnancy and birth and aids in the optimum positioning for baby* as birth approaches. 


*Please note, I do not “turn babies”. External Cephalic Version or ECV’s are only performed in hospital by an obstetrician. 

Bloom Hypnobirthing and Wellbeing Sian Steel Osteopathy Cheshire Merseyside Newton Le Willows Sandbach Warrington
Bloom Hypnobirthing and Wellbeing Sian Steel Osteopathy Cheshire Merseyside Newton Le Willows Sandbach Warrington

I will also prescribe lifestyle modifications and exercises to help your baby turn head down by balancing and preparing you in the weeks leading up to your birth. 


I am here if you are at the start of second trimester or even if you are beyond 36 weeks and would like a holistic option to help your baby turn naturally. It’s never too early to start helping prepare your body for birth. 


If you would like more information about how I could help you during pregnancy, please get in touch via the contact form below and I will reply to you via email for a no obligation chat. 


I recommend treatment from second trimester (13 weeks) and beyond. If you are in your first trimester (below 12 weeks pregnant) please get in touch with me prior to booking.

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Bloom Hypnobirthing and Wellbeing Sian Steel Osteopathy Cheshire Merseyside Newton Le Willows Sandbach Warrington  book appointment

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Sian Steel registered osteopath

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Sian Steel Hypnobirthing Teacher Love Your Birth Accredited
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Bloom Hypnobirthing and Wellbeing Sian Steel Osteopathy Cheshire Merseyside Newton Le Willows Sandbach Warrington

Stride Clinic Sandbach:
01270 767744


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